Lawrence Lady Boss | KRISTA TANKOANO



Meet Krista Tankoano, the owner of The Bookakery. The Bookakery is a company created with the goal to help kids explore the world through books and baking. Right now they do that through their Bookakery Box subscriptions but they are planning on opening a mobile children’s bookstore here in Lawrence next spring. 

What is your goal for the next year?

Open a mobile children’s bookstore here in Lawrence!

Who has influenced you the most?

So many amazing people! I’ll say my mom, who helped show me how amazing books could be from a very young age. 

What one piece of advice do you give to other business owners?

Always keep learning. No matter how much you know there are always new things to learn and ways to do things better.

When you are not working, what are you doing?

Being mom, and right now, helping with distance learning. 

What Lawrence hidden gem do you recommend everyone checks out?

Not hidden but one of my favorite Lawrence gems is The Raven bookstore. 

If you could change one thing about your business, what would you change?

I would love to be able to do it full time and be able expand to the mobile bookstore and eventually full bookstore/bake shop faster. 

Find Krista on Facebook at The Bookakery and on Instagram at @theBookakery ( Find Krista on the web at and