August 2020 Virtual Networking Night Out

On Tuesday, August 25th, Lawrence Lady Boss Project hosted their third Virtual Networking Night Out since this pandemic started.The night kicked off hearing from founder, Amanda Gregory, before she turned the floor over to two lady bosses in town that have overcome life throwing major curveballs at their career in order to get them to where they are today.

Stacey Lamb, is the owner, and mayor of HappyTown. Her business focuses on providing uplifting cheer and warmth to individuals and kids going through especially hard times. She focuses on all sorts of learning aids, guidance tools and providing a smile to the face of so many that are struggling. Stacey talked about the cheerleaders that got her through her own hard times and how she's picked herself up most recently and decided to regroup, refocus and use this pandemic to reevaluate her business and what it has to offer the community.
Jessica Mooneyham, is the owner of AR Workshop. This DIY studio is located on the west side of town and provides a safe, clean, space to gather with your friends, your family, and so much more. Jessica has also had to overcome some obstacles in her life to get to where she is today. She talked about how the pandemic became just another obstacle that she had to figure out how to get around.

Both ladies provided inspiration to their fellow lady bosses on finding ways to use this pandemic to your advantage. After the speakers, giveaways were handed out to every lady boss in attendance. Event announcements were made (more on that to come), before wrapping up the evening with each lady boss getting a chance to introduce themselves and their business.

Our next Virtual Networking Night Out is scheduled for Thursday, October 22nd.

***All COVID related procedures were followed during this event. Because our speakers living in the country with poor internet reception, the speakers and founder gathered at AR Workshop to host out of the shop. All social distancing guidelines were followed and masks were worn when not speaking at the event.